January 2022

Like, Share & Follow

Submitted by julie.knight on

With the New year and so many new families moving into our community, here is a friendly reminder to tell neighbors, and friends to Like, Share, Follow our webpage. Its the best way to find out what's coming up, Classroom activities, and important dates coming up. 



Upcoming Dates to mark on your Calendars

Submitted by julie.knight on

❖ Jan. 5th: Fire Drill in the PM

❖ Jan. 6th: Visit from Mrs. Kimball-Associate SuperIntendent

❖ Jan. 10th: 9:30am-School Community Council Meeting

❖ Jan. 11th: 9:30am-PTA Meeting

❖ Jan. 13th: End of Term 2

❖ Jan. 14th: No School for Students: District Development Day

❖ Jan. 17th: Martin Luther King Holiday-No School

❖ Jan. 28th: Spelling Bee Lists will go home for 3rd-5th Graders

Red & White Ribbon Week 10th ~ 13th

Submitted by julie.knight on

Red and White Ribbon week is coming up on January 10-13 and we’re going to have the following dress up days:

Monday: We're "RED-dy" to make a difference. (Wear LOTS of Red)

Tuesday: "Give drugs the BOOT" (western day)

Wednesday: "Team up For Internet Safety" (wear apparel of your favorite sports team) 

Thursday: "Keep 🌴 Palm and carry on drug free" (Hawaiian day)