October 25th ~ LAST DAY TO ORDER SHIRTS!!!

Submitted by julie.knight on

Please be aware that FRIDAY will be the LAST DAY to order school shirst. Please get on the website and order yours today. There are multiple options from beanies, sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc.  We would LOVE to have every kid be able to have something to wear on spirit day, which is every Friday.. Here is the website those can be ordered from:



"Foreign Figures" ~ Stand for Kind Assembly

Submitted by julie.knight on

We really enjoyed the band "Foreign Figures" who came and played for the school today. The lead singer told us a story that it was Thanks to a crowd member that complimented him and told him to continue singing, and uplifing crowds. 

"The words we say and the things we do, impact people's lives for the better or worst. What we say will always leave an impression. It will either help or paralyze someone for continuing what they are passionate about."     -Foreign Figures