Online Registration opens Monday, July 13

Submitted by julie.peery on

Online registration will begin Monday, July 13th and continue through Thursday, July 30th. It will be through iCampus, our new student information system, and look slightly different than years past. For new students, you will be able to scan and upload documents from home (i.e. birth certificate, proof of residency, and immunization records). Please watch for an email soon from Nebo District with instructions. Or you can visit for more information starting tomorrow. Please call our office if you have questions or need support through the process.

If you missed it...

Submitted by julie.peery on

The student "personal-item-pick-up day" was a success and such a treat to see all of the students who were able to come. We loved the signs and posters...what a nice way to say thank you! If you missed coming on Friday, personal bagged items will be in the office and you can drop by any day the rest of the week from 8:30 - 3:30 to get them. 

Personal item pick-up day

Submitted by julie.peery on

This Friday, May 15th is our drive-through personal item pick-up day. Students can come in the car with a parent to the west parking lot and teachers will be handing them their bags of items. The time slots are 9:00 - 12:00 Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, Miss Russell's and Miss Rowley's class (9-10: A-J, 10-11: K-Q, 11-12: R-Z) and upper grades for 3rd - 6th grades are 1:00 - 4:00 (1-2: A-J, 2-3: K-Q, 3- 4: R-Z).  Everyone must stay inside the car during the drive-through.

Arbor Day Tree Poster Sweepstakes Winner

Submitted by julie.peery on

Congratulations to Emma Beach, a fourth grader at Mapleton Elementary, who recently won the Sweepstakes award for the Utah Arbor Day Tree Poster Contest. The theme was "Trees are Terrific No Matter Where You Live." Emma's beautiful artwork and sweepstakes award meant that she got to choose a tree to be planted at Mapleton Elementary. She chose an Autumn Blaze Maple and you can see it in the front of the school. She and her family were even able to help plant the tree. Way to go Emma!