Motivation Monday ~

Submitted by julie.knight on

Sometimes situations present themselves, and we are unsure how to react.  If we can maintain our focus on what is important, always being kind, and that people are more important than things, we are able to move forward, and will come out of any situation proud of ourselves. \

Have a GREAT week!! 

BYU Athletes & Cosmo

Submitted by julie.knight on

BYU Athletes came to visit and talk to the students about the importance of taking care of our bodies and making good decisions. We thouroghy enjoyed watching these talented people. 

Mapleton City Tree Lighting Ceremony ~ 1st GRADE ~ NOV. 29th @6:00

Submitted by julie.knight on

Tree Lighting Ceremony ~ 1st Grade Singing ~ 

The 1st grade students of Mapleton Elementary have the opportunity of singing for the Mapleton tree Lighting Ceremony. The program begins at 6:00. Please have your students  there by 5:45

We will be performing several Chritmas songs followed by a surprise Guest. We hope you all can join us for the festivities.