Gratitude Week ~ Nov 16th -20th

Submitted by julie.knight on

" The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"

Its that time of year again, when we share in the gratitude of the abundance that we have by giving to others. Please mark your calendars for our upcoming Gratitude Week.  There will be flyers coming home in your kiddos bags with more infomation as well. 

Here's a few ideas: 

* Canned/Boxed Food  *  NEW adult and childrens socks  * Hats/Gloves  *  Coats, jackets, sweatshirts, etc.



Honoring our Veterans

Submitted by julie.peery on

Mapleton students each came to school this week with a Veteran's name...either a relative, friend or someone they researched and respect. Those names were put together to create this flag in their honor. It is a beautiful reminder of our gratitude for their service and sacrifice. Thank you Veterans!