2nd Grade Students "Can Do Hard Things"

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

Hat's off to our Second Grade Students and their teachers, Sheri Jensen, Christine Jones, Jeanmarie Andersen, Kelsey Foster and Karlee Hansen. They welcomed their students with the theme "We Can Do Hard Things" . Then they put them right to work and proved it!  Sheri Jensen reported on the event as follows:

Ginnie Snyder

School Registration

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

We hope all students and parents are enjoying their summer break. As we prepare for a new school year, we want to let you know of a few important dates that are coming up.

"Being a Good Friend"

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

At Mapleton Elementary School children are encouraged to treat others with respect and kindness.  We are pleased to present these students with an award for "Being a Good Friend" at school. Teachers have chosen them for their continued effort to treat others with kindness and respect. We want to congratulate these students for "Doing Their Best".

Pictured here are:
Row # 1 seated: Keslee Poulsen, Joshua Roberts, Bella Hughes and Shaylee Christensen.
Row # 2: Julianne Reoch, Kara Jensen, Spencer Larsen, Beau Hughes, Shaylee Holm and Mason Pond.

Ginnie Snyder

"Outstanding Service Award"

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

The "Outstanding Service Award" goes to our Librarian, Laurie Mittanck.

Laurie has been the librarian here at Mapleton Elementary School for the past 7 years.  She joined our staff and has given her time and effort faithfully. Laurie is the librarian of not one but two libraries She has added her special touch to every wall and bookcase in our school.

Ginnie Snyder