5th Grade Scientists!

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

5th Grade Scientists! The Discovery Gateway: Reaction Time Program came to our school and taught the kids about chemical and physical reactions.  They had some great fun experiments shown to them and then they were able to experiment on their own in groups.  So much fun and thanks to Laura England from Discovery Gateway.

Gavin Groneman

Storytelling Festival

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

Third grade field trip to Timpanogos Storytelling Festival August 29.  Third grade students heard stories from Reggie and Kim Harris about freedom and from Donald Davis about his family going to the carnival. They ate lunch at Canyon Glen Park before returning to school.

Carol Day

"One Hundred Miler Club"

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

Students at Mapleton Elementary have been striving  to meet the requirements for the "One Hundred Miler Club" They had to run or walk 100 miles here at school.  We congratulate those who made it ! Pictured here from left to right are those students who were able to be in the picture. We also Congratulate those who are not pictured here.

Row# 1: Seated: Jeanette Griffin, Crew Hamilton,Hunter Eddy, Rachel Groberg

Row #2; Axeton Anderson, Isaac Jacobson, Shyanne Christensen, Madi Orton, Andisyn Ball, Lauren,Hannah Johnson.

Ginnie Snyder