Halloween At Mapleton Elementary

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

Lots of fun was had by all at Mapleton Elementary this Halloween!  I am sure that the students enjoyed seeing all of the faculty dressed up in costumes.  You also have the chance to see our faculty all dressed up for Halloween.  Scroll through the pictures and enjoy seeing the fun faculty we have here at Mapleton Elementary.

Thank You Mapleton Elementary Faculty for making it a great day!!!!

Celeste Gledhill

Book Fair

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

Mapleton Elementary will be holding our fall book fair on October21st through the 24th.   We invite you to come to the school and take a look at the books that are available.  The book fair will be in room 12 by the front office.

Book Fair Schedule:

Monday: 9:00am - 3:30 pm

Tuesday: 8:30am - 3:30 pm

Wednesday: 8:30am - 6:00 pm  Come during SEP's

Thursday: 8:30am - 8:00 pm  Come during SEP's

PTA Service Award Given to Norma McConnell

Submitted by stacey.holmes on

 Teachers appreciate the dedication and kindness Norma gives each day to her work. Norma takes the time to talk to the students about taking care of the restrooms and the class rooms. She started a program of rewarding students for helping in the classroom, by personally making wonderful Calendar charts with decorative stickers which she posts on the front white board. Each day she puts a sticker on the chart if students have picked up pencils and paper and cleaned up. Then at the end of each month she leaves the students a small treat to show her appreciation to them for their help.

Ginnie Snyder