Online registration

Submitted by julie.peery on

Registration for the 2018-2019 school year will be online beginning July 25th. Please watch for an email from Nebo School District with more details and instructions. If you are brand new to the area and school, please bring in a copy of your child's birth certificate, immunization record and proof of residency any time Monday - Thursday from 8:00 - 1:00. 

Freedom Festival Art Contest Winner

Submitted by julie.peery on

Congratulations to Sadie Wheeler, a fifth grader whose drawing was selected as a winner in this year's Freedom Festival Children's Art Contest. They selected her picture as one that is a "truly outstanding representation of this year's theme Land of LIberty." Watch for it to appear in this year's Freedom Festival magazine. Way to go Sadie!

Bridge or Tower?

Submitted by robyn.young on

Today Miss Foster’s class had the choice of building a bridge or a tower in class to see how many pennies it could hold up in a cup. They had to meet the requirements of height and amount of items they could use.  We used an engineering process of trial and error. If the building fails the first time we are able to identify what is wrong and make a change in our design. 

Kelsey Foster's Students

Library Popcorn Party

Submitted by robyn.young on

As the library finishes up it's year, the kids enjoy a popcorn reward party for returning their books. There was a lot of popcorn eaten and lots of fun Minute-to-Win-It challenges. Ms. Carr and Ms. Naylor's classes tied for the paper airplane challenge, a favorite of the students.

Cheryl Thurgood