9/11 Firefighter presents to 3rd grade

Submitted by julie.peery on

Captain Brent Darger, a search and rescue firefighter for Task Force One during 9/11 (Miss Judd's uncle), came to speak to the 3rd grade last week. He spoke about his experiences as he joined shoulder to shoulder to search for survivors, recover the deceased, and rebuild the devastation at Ground Zero. His message emphasized that although times of tragedy are heartbreaking and sorrowful, they bring the nation greater unity and strength in the end. We are grateful for the service and sacrifice Captain Darger offered in the frightening days following the attack. He is a true hero. 

Eagle Scout project helps classrooms be prepared

Submitted by julie.peery on

Andrew Martineau, a local scout, helped replace and replenish the emergency bins with fresh water, granola bars, candy, blankets and a flashlight in each classroom in case of an emergency where students would need to stay in their classrooms for an extended period of time. He and other scouts removed the old expired products and replaced them with the new ones so we can feel safe and prepared at our school. Thank you for thinking of us for your Eagle Scout Project. 

Scales &Tales Family Night

Submitted by julie.knight on

Come join us for a fun filled night for everyone in your family. Activites and great food for everyone!!! Hope to see you all there!!  Information will be coming home with your student today!! 

Jason Nackos

Come join our team!

Submitted by julie.peery on

Do you enjoy working with students and love physical activity? We are hiring a P.E. planning time technician so if you or someone you know would be interested, please tell them to apply online at www.nebo.edu/jobs.